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您所在在位置 : 首页 > 产品展示 > 工业配件 > 铸钢产品 Excellent quality comes from insisting on casting quality and highlighting responsibility!
three stainless steel casting rod product assembly
Jgj-01, three stainless steel casting rod product assembly
Counseling hotline: 025-58861631
Jgj-01, three stainless steel casting rod product assembly, 304 stainless steel casting, casting after machining.

Nanjing Aspire Group

Nanjing Aspire Group

TEL: 025-58861631/58852631



Contact: Mr. Guo Zhi

EMAIL: lz@njlzgj.com,gz@njlzgj.com,aspirevalve@gmail.com

USA URL: www.njlzgj.com  China URL: www.castingforge.com

ADDRESS:Room 2304,Bldg  2, No. 37, Daqiao North Road,Jiangbei new district,Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

SUPPORT:Aspire Group

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